Siirry sisältöön

Building neighbourliness through neighbourhood work

We want to be good neighbours and an accepted part of the neighbourhood. Communication, collaboration and listening to the neighbourhood as well as addressing potential problems are part of our daily neighbourhood work.

Neighbourhood work is an important part of what we do

The aim in the Blue Ribbon Foundation Group’s neighbourhood work is to help customers and residents adapt to the local areas around our operations, the surrounding community and its various activities, and to help neighbourhoods to adapt to the customers and residents.

We also aim to promote a positive attitude towards neighbourliness. We believe that familiarity brings security. At its best, neighbourhood work is proactive and contributes to the liveability and safety of the community.

What is neighbourhood work in practice

  • We encourage the neighbourhood to actively cooperate and immediately report any concerns, for example to the on-call numbers of our units .
  • Local outreach work: community rounds with customers and residents, meetings in local libraries and various volunteer events.
  • Addressing disturbances, such as loud music at night, loud noise in apartments or at unit facilities or grounds.
  • Cooperation with neighbours: regular meetings, regional cooperation meetings, Good Neighbour Network evenings and other neighbourhood events, cooperation with local businesses.
  • Cooperation with the police.
  • Information, lectures, open-house events, community-building events.
  • Open communication.
  • Reporting, statistics, evaluation and development of operations

Area-based neighbourhood work

We are developing area- and resident-based neighbourhood work as part of our A Home for All activities. The aim of the area-based neighbourhood work is to develop methods to strengthen good neighbourliness and community spirit.

The activities are targeted particularly in the areas near our units and services where there is an identified need for neighbourhood work. Neighbourhood work also takes place in neighbourhoods with a high concentration of dispersed supportive housing.

We are involved in building area-based neighbourhood networks with other actors and neighbourhoods, and we organise various trainings and events related to neighbourliness and community.

An area-based approach is important to achieve sustainable results. Functioning local and diverse networks are key to our neighbourhood work. It involves cooperation with e.g. residents, businesses, schools, associations, the city, parishes and the police department’s preventative work.

Contact us

Neighbourhoods are important to us, and we want to play a role in promoting good neighbourly relations, liveability and safety. We want to be easy to reach and we want to listen to our neighbours.

Please remember that in an emergency situation, you should always call 112, and in non-urgent cases, such as those involving property, you should first and foremost report a crime.

Kirsi Veijola

Koti kaikille
Neihbourghood Work Specialist
050 570 3517