Siirry sisältöön

A gift that makes a difference 

Donations help us to improve the situation of the homeless people in Finland. We regularly monitor and report the use of our funds. 

Out of the funds received, 85 percent is directly allocated to improving the situation of the homeless, reducing homelessness and meeting the basic needs of our customers. The remaining 15 percent is used to ensure proper governance and reaching out to potential new donors.  

Our work is supported by STEA, European Social Fund and Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).  

Stay updated on the impact of our work through our newsletter. 

How are donations used? 

Your donation helps us to improve the lives of homeless individuals in Finland. Our services are primarily centered in the Helsinki metropolitan region but some of our services are accessible regardless of municipal boundaries. Our primary goal is to ensure impactful customer work. We continuously assess the changes in people’s needs and refine our operational models to better cater to these needs. This enables us to direct your donation where it is needed the most. 

Monitoring the use of funds and assess the impact of work 

We actively monitor the use of funds with our financial management and have our financial reports audited annually. We also provide detailed annual reports on the use of funds to our funders (STEA, European Social Fund and AMIF) as well as the National Police Board of Finland. 

Our funders require us to continuously monitor the effectiveness and impact of our work. To achieve this, we collect data on the number of individuals aided through the donated funds and conduct interviews with those who have received aid to assess the quality of our work. 

We regularly share updates of our work in our newsletter and annual report. You can subscribe to our newsletter here. (Link to newsletter) 

Administration and fundraising expenses 

Of the funds collected, 15 percent is allocated towards covering administrative and marketing expenses, as well as regulatory fees. The administration is responsible for planning the work, monitoring its progress and evaluating its impact. Without administration, there can be no ethical fundraising. 

The marketing costs include advertisements and promotional materials designed to reach potential donors. The amount spent on marketing depends on our success in reaching those interested in supporting our cause. 

Contact us 

Soile Bar-Yosef

Voluntary work Fundraising
Voluntary work and fundraising manager
040 637 2900