Siirry sisältöön

Comprehensive sustainability is our goal 

Our core values centre around social responsibility. Additionally, our focus on sustainability extends to financial and environmental responsibility along with social impact.  

Focus on sustainability and effectiveness

We prioritise sustainability and social impact in our work and continuously aim to improve our procedures based on these two themes. They are a main part of our sustainability program in addition to social, financial and environmental responsibility as well as social impact. Our yearly responsibility reviews compass all of these areas.

Specifying sustainability themes with stakeholders

At the end of 2022 we conducted a stakeholder survey on sustainability to identify and specify the key areas of focus. The survey included representatives from our employees, partners, clients, volunteers and the board members of Blue Ribbon Foundation and Blue Ribbon Ltd. 

Discussions with clients 

We gathered client feedback through customer satisfaction surveys in order to identify our clients’ experiences and expectations related to our sustainability goals. These discussions were held as part of the community meetings in our housing units.  

The discussions centred around customer experience including encountering, listening and understanding how our clients’ needs play a part in our services. In addition, environmental issues, such as neighbourhood community rounds, sorting waste and climate change were discussed. The importance of local, surrounding nature also came up in the discussions.  

Our sustainability goals are interlinked with our strategy 

Our sustainability program and sustainability work are defined by the material sustainability themes and their subthemes. We have defined our goals for all areas of sustainability and will work determinedly to reach them.

The priorities of the strategy and the themes that have emerged as the most material for sustainability are aligned and mutually supportive. Customers, staff, social impact, effectiveness and the idea of holistic responsibility are strongly present in both.

Material sustainability themes for 2023–2026 

Clients at the core   

  • Encountering customers 
  • Operations tied to customer needs  
  • Strengthening and defending the human dignity of our customers  

Healthy and developing workplace 

  • Continuous development of staff knowledge and competences  
  • Occupational health, well-being and sustainability at work  
  • Quality of leadership and managerial work 

Transparency and financial sustainability  

  • Good governance and transparent organization 
  • Open and active communication 
  • Recording the impact of our work 

Reducing environmental impacts 

  • Tending to the immediate environment  
  • Favoring circular economy 
  • Mitigating climate change 

Societal impact 

  • Social impact and stakeholder engagement 
  • Increasing low-threshold services  
  • Designing impact-focused and benefit-driven (operational) frameworks and models 

Contact us

Sanna Haanpää-Liukko

Management team Communications
Director, Sustainability and Communications
050 597 6003